179: Jeff’s Fables JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #179: Another in my “Bookseller Cabinet” series wherein the bookseller plays. There are a wide variety of books in fine printing (Kelmscott, Grabhorn, Plantin Press), bibliography, voyages & travel (Struys, Tournefort), photography (Algiers, Persia), early printed books (Nicephorus Gregoras), philosophy (Blagrave, Glanvill), books on books, calligraphy (Father Catich), printing history, literature (Brontert Bridges, D.H. Lawrence, Thoreau, W.B. Yeats). Opening with a printing rarity, a survivor from the 1666 Great Fire of London, Barlow’s great Large Paper illustrated Aesop. [127 items]
How to request a print version: Catalogues are available on request.